Taskfire: creating and managing Knowledge Base articles
SECURITY Users with a Taskfire security level
NAVIGATION > Knowledge Base > New Article
Taskfire An extension of the Client Portal that lets you manage your own internal help desk. users can create troubleshooting articles that might help other internal Client Portal A branded web portal through which you and your service providers can collaborate on tickets and projects. and Taskfire users solve their own issues.
Taskfire users can:
- Create Knowledge Base articles.
- Edit Knowledge Base articles that were created within their organization Your Client Portal instance may be configured to use one fo the following terms instead: Account, Business Unit, Client, Company, Customer, Site. and have not been edited by their Service Provider.
- Delete Knowledge Base articles they created and that have not been published to other customers of their Service Provider.
Taskfire Administrators can:
- Delete Knowledge Base articles that were created by any user in their organization and that have not been published to other customers of their service provider.
IMPORTANT Taskfire users cannot edit or delete Knowledge Base articles that were created by their service provider, even if the article was created at their request or on their behalf.
How to...
- Click > Knowledge Base > New Article. To edit an article, click the pencil icon on the article table.
The New Knowledge Base Article or Edit Knowledge Base Article page opens.
- Enter information as follows:
Field | Definition |
Add Attachment An external file uploaded to Autotask that is associated with a company, project, ticket, configuration item or other entity. | Click to open the Add Attachment dialog. If the article hasn't been saved, you will be prompted to save it. For details on adding an attachment, refer to Adding attachments to tickets, projects, or Knowledge Base articles. |
Title | Enter a descriptive title for the article. The title is required but does not have to be unique. |
Category |
Select the "category > subcategory..." with which you'd like to classify the article.
Keywords | Enter keywords for this article. Keyword is one of the fields searched in a Knowledge Base search.
NOTE Keyword search is a single word search. Separate multiple keywords with a comma. If you want to use a two-word phrase as a keyword, do not use spaces between the words. For example, if you want to use "hard drive" as a keyword, enter "harddrive" into the field. |
Error Code | You can enter an error code for this article. Error code is one of the fields searched in a Knowledge Base search. |
Detail |
Enter the body of your article into the Detail field using the WYSIWYG editor. The icons and tools in the editor are similar to Microsoft Word tools and icons. The default Design view (selected below the text field) allows you to write and format your own content directly in the text field or paste formatted text from another document. You can click the picture icon to insert an image. Select HTML below the text field to view or edit the HTML markup or enter text and HTML markup directly. Alternately, use an external HTML editor and cut and paste HTML content into the HTML view of the text field. Select the Preview option to see how your article will appear to Knowledge Base users. |
Associate Ticket The Autotask entity that tracks service requests, incidents or problems that were added to Autotask by your customers, internal employees, or remote monitoring software. | Click this link to open the Select Ticket page. See Associate tickets with a Knowledge Base article, below. |
Add Attachment | For Knowledge Base articles you create yourself, you can upload one or multiple attachments. Click the Add Attachment link and complete the fields in the dialog. The file size is limited to 10 MB. Autotask will not accept the following file formats: ade, adp, app, asp, aspx, bas, bat, bin, cer, chm, class, cmd, cnt, com, cpl, crt, csh, cshtml, der, exe, fon, fxp, gadget, hlp, hpj, hta, inf, ini, ins, isp, its, iw, js, jse, ksh, lnk, mad, maf, mag, mam, maq, mar, mas, mat, mau, mav, maw, mda, mde, mdt, mdw, mdz, msc, msh, msh1, msh1xml, msh2, msh2xml, mshxml, msi, msp, mst, ops, osd, pcd, php, pif, plg, prf, prg, ps1, ps1xml, ps2, ps2xml, psc1, psc2, pst, reg, scf, scr, sct, sh, shb, shs, sys, tgz, tmp, url, vb, vbe, vbp, vbs, vsmacros, vsw, ws, wsc, wsf, wsh, xnk. |
- Click Save and Close.
- On the New Knowledge Base Article page, select Associate Ticket.
- The Select Ticket page opens:
- Select the Include Complete Tickets check box to list tickets that have been resolved.
- Narrow your search by entering search criteria in any of the fields at the top of the page.
- To view the ticket detail and add it to your selections, click the ticket number link.
- Select an individual ticket by clicking on it, or select all displayed tickets by clicking the Select All on Page link. Your selections will appear in the table on the left. To remove all selected tickets from that table, click the Clear link.
- Click Save & Close to save your selections and return to the Knowledge Base Article page.
- Locate the article you wish to delete. See Knowledge Base and Documentation for more information.
- Either click the Delete icon and confirm the deletion OR open the article and click the Delete button.
- Confirm the deletion.
NOTE You may not delete articles that we, your service provider, have created for you.